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Sharing Our Stories

Hear from our learning community who share their thoughts on leading, learning and playing at Cherry Crest Elementary School.

Erin Stedman, Principal, and Amy Chu, Assistant Principal

Cherry Crest is an incredible place of learning for our students. With strong partnerships with our PTSA, staff and students, we feel honored to serve as the administrators at this school and value the relationships that make Cherry Crest such an amazing place to be! We love how committed our educators are and their focus on building social emotional learning skills to focus on the whole child. We so value the strong partnership with families and the desire our students have to be involved as leaders and strong advocates for change.

Mandy Sin, Kindergarten Teacher, and Impact Team Leader

By joining multiple impact teams at this school, I had the hands-on opportunity to contribute to the supportive and welcoming community Cherry Crest is known for. Each impact team operates with openness and responsiveness, welcoming new ideas from both new and returning members. It is clear that Cherry Crest's continual commitment to excellence is a key reason why so many community members cherish Cherry Crest deeply.

3rd Grade Student, Students Organized Against Racism (SOAR) member.

I really like SOAR because it teaches you how not to assume people’s gender or race. It makes you feel equal to everyone. The club helps kids and people learn about others and about racism. I think this helps Cherry Crest by learning about it now, so you don’t have to learn it later.

Deepa Patten, BSD Parent and Bellevue Schools Foundation Trustee

Watching Kindergarteners use basic programming skills to move robots is an experience that you can only get in the Bellevue School District. The high-quality educational opportunities that our students have access to is only possible through the support of the community. The Bellevue Schools Foundation has been the key community partner to fund educational innovation in a way you can't find anywhere else in the state, so our students learn the skills to be 21st century thinkers starting in preschool.

See 2023-2024 BSF investments at Cherry Crest Elementary School and districtwide.